Hello everyone! First of all, thank you for clicking
the link to the blog and giving us a chance to surprise you with our
experiences. I would like to use this space to explain you the goals that ‘’Actors of Change 2.0’’ (I know the 2.0
it’s swagy) have for this project. Some of you might see us in your class and
wonder why we are there, maybe because of the language misunderstandings or maybe because the
time we have is short and we have too many things to say.
So, what do we want? Basically, we aim for tolerance, acceptance and social inclusion. We had this magnificent opportunity of coming to Arad to perform these workshops in the schools… which really doesn’t mean that in our home countries there isn’t discrimination between youngsters. Just a mix of the destiny and the European Union has brought us here.
Through our workshops, we try to make you realize and
voice your opinion about bullying and some of the different ‘’isms’’. The
suffix ‘’ism’’ is used to indicate a ‘’political, religious movement, beliefs
or attitudes of a grand narrative’’. To summarize, the isms are different forms
of discrimination that we can observe in today’s society. The usual problem is
that we don’t take time in our life to think about other people or how we can
help them. It is easy to avoid a topic that you find weird or different. Many times,
we turn our backs on others without sensing it. So, step by step, because the
world wasn’t built in one day, we need to open our eyes. Let’s face it, we are
young, hopefully full of life and energy to make our community a better place.
If you think that you are safe because you haven’t been bullied and your life
is perfectly normal… then it is a favorable time to help others and join their
fight for rights. The best part is that you can do all of this without failing
to your own beliefs. Because we enrich the world with culture, ethnicities,
gender identity, family backgrounds, generational time…and this makes us unique
individuals. But we cannot live in a bubble, therefore we must educate
ourselves. For example, I am an occidental woman seeking equality between women
and men. Nevertheless, I can’t forget about racialized woman who still have
less rights than me in the society. Because the equality must be for all human
beings, without excluding anyone.
Our project wants to awaken in you the ability to
empathize with people. We are not trying to say that what you are is wrong,
just showing that there is much more beyond that. You might make some people
scared by perpetrating their discrimination in society and not realize it. You might
think that you are just a teenager, that no one cares about what you think
anyways. Except that we really do. Because a community is not only built by old
people. We are the younger generations that are able to change the unfair
things happening in the world today. Do you want to be a part of that?
- Sofi